A: There are a few additional ways we can help you save money.
1) A Fia membership pairs really nicely with a high deductible health plan (HDHP). HDHPs help save money on insurance premiums, but their major downside is that they increase out-of-pocket spend via their higher deductible. Fia helps fill the gap, by providing most of the care an individual would need, while simultaneously decreasing an individual’s out-of-pocket costs. Moving to a HDHP can save you and your employees between $773-$1,263 per single employee, on average. For a family, the savings can be as large as $2,703 or more, every year. Unfortunately, Fia does not apply towards your insurance deductible.
2) Many people are on expensive, unnecessary prescriptions. These prescriptions often account for 20% or more of your health insurance costs. We are happy to work with your employees to provide prescription counseling, helping them move to cheaper alternatives, or helping them move off of the medication altogether if it is no longer necessary.
3) Every dollar spent on preventive care has been shown to save somewhere between $4-$13 down the road. It’s hard to find a better return on investment.
4) By providing access to unlimited primary care, your employees are less likely to seek out urgent care, or end up in the hospital for long periods of time. Based on an industry study, patients with unfettered access to primary care saved $679 on annual insurance premiums.